Results for 'Eveli Freire Vasconcelos'

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  1.  16
    Violência contra a mulher no ambiente laboral.Mariana Saad Soler, Eveli Freire Vasconcelos & Danielly Martins da Silva - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:365-378.
    O aumento da participação feminina no mercado de trabalho formal e informal, decorrente dos movimentos feministas, começou a ameaçar em larga escala um dos pilares da desigualdade, o provimento econômico e autonomia sobre a vida das mulheres, dessa forma, as estruturas sociais se reorganizam para reproduzir a lógica de poder opressora. Por meio de ambientes organizacionais, diversos e inclusivos, especialmente no que se refere a gênero, as mulheres poderão experienciar a valorização social, a influência no poder de decisão, o pertencimento (...)
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    Paulo Freire e a educação popular: esperançar em tempos de barbárie.Joana Salém Vasconcelos, Maíra Tavares Mendes & Daniela Mussi (eds.) - 2023 - São Paulo, Brasil: Elefante.
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    Presença e atualidade do pensamento de Paulo Freire: vozes brasileiras em diálogo.Maria Lucia Marcondes Carvalho Vasconcelos & Regina Helena Pires de Brito (eds.) - 2021 - São Paulo: LiberArs.
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    Aprendiz E a (im)possibilidade da autonomia.Débora Cristina Vasconcelos Aguiar & Paulo Meireles Barguil - 2021 - Filosofia E Educação 13 (2):2516-2546.
    Atores com distintas perspectivas educacionais têm utilizado, cada vez mais, o vocábulo autonomia de acordo com os seus interesses. Objetivamos com este artigo, que é uma revisão de literatura, discutir sobre a autonomia a partir de enfoques da Filosofia, da Psicologia e da Sociologia. As contribuições de autores como Rousseau, Kant, Freud, Adorno, Agamben, Piaget, Kamii, Martins, Freire, Barguil, dentre outros, enriquecem uma leitura interdisciplinar da complexa relação entre autonomia e Educação. Concluímos que a autonomia não é uma característica (...)
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  5. O que é metafísica.Jaimir Conte & Oscar Federico Bauchwitz - 2011 - Natal, RN, Brasil: Editora da UFRN.
    Atas do III Colóquio Internacional de Metafísica. [ISBN 978-85-7273-730-2]. Sumário: 1. Prazer, desejo e amor-paixão no texto de Lucrécio, por Antonio Júlio Garcia Freire; 2. Anaximandro: física, metafísica e direito, por Celso Martins Azar Filho; 3. Carta a Guimarães Rosa, por Cícero Cunha Bezerra; 4. Ante ens, non ens: La primacía de La negación em El neoplatonismo medievel, por Claudia D’Amico; 5. Metafísica e neoplatonismo, por David G. Santos; 6. Movimento e tempo no pensamento de Epicuro, por Everton da (...)
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    José Vasconcelos y la universidad.José Vasconcelos, Alvaro Matute & Angeles Ruiz - 1987 - México: IPN, Dirección de Publicaciones y Bibliotecas. Edited by Alvaro Matute & Angeles Ruiz.
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    José Vasconcelos y el espíritu de la universidad.José Vasconcelos & Javier Sicilia - 2001 - México, D.F.: UNAM. Edited by Javier Sicilia.
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    Testamento da presença de Paulo Freire, o educador do Brasil: testemunhos e depoimentos.Ana Maria Araújo Freire (ed.) - 2021 - São Paulo: Paz & Terra.
  9. Mentoring the Mentor: A Critical Dialogue with Paulo Freire.Paulo Freire, James W. Fraser, Donaldo P. Macedo & Tanya McKinnon - 1997 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    Mentoring the Mentor recreates a Freirian dialogue in a printed format. In this volume, sixteen distinguished scholars engage in a critical and thoughtful exchange with Paulo Freire. While some contributors voice appreciation for Freire's ideas and for what it means to «reinvent Freire» in a North American context, others offer sharp critiques of Freire's philosophy and, of equal importance, of the various interpretations of his work. A variety of chapters describe specific uses which have been made (...)
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    Darwin und die Bioethik: Eve-Marie Engels zum 60. Geburtstag.Eve-Marie Engels, László Kovács, Jens Clausen & Thomas Potthast (eds.) - 2011 - Freiburg: K. Alber.
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    Bruno Latour’s Science Is Politics By Other Means: Between Politics and Ontology.Eve Seguin & Laurent-Olivier Lord - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):9-39.
    Abstract“Science Is Politics By Other Means” (SIPBOM) was coined in The Pasteurization of France, Latour’s 1984 empirical study of the birth of microbiology. Yet, it encapsulates an outstanding political theory of science that Latour has never formalized and that has remained unnoticed to this day. The theory is comprised of two dimensions. The first one is the ontological labor performed by science, that is, the laboratory production of new nonhumans. The second one is the ability of science to devise and (...)
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  12. Paulo Freire : a boniteza na minha vida.Ana Maria Araújo Freire - 2021 - In A palavra boniteza na leitura de mundo de Paulo Freire. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.
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  13. From etymology to pragmatics: metaphorical and cultural aspects of semantic structure.Eve Sweetser - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a new approach to the analysis of the multiple meanings of English modals, conjunctions, conditionals, and perception verbs. Although such ambiguities cannot easily be accounted for by feature-analyses of word meaning, Eve Sweetser's argument shows that they can be analyzed both readily and systematically. Meaning relationships in general cannot be understood independently of human cognitive structure, including the metaphorical and cultural aspects of that structure. Sweetser shows that both lexical polysemy and pragmatic ambiguity are shaped by our (...)
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    Plagiarism Allegations Account for Most Retractions in Major Latin American/caribbean Databases.Sonia Vasconcelos, Aldo Fontes-Pereira, Fernanda Catelani, Karina Albuquerque Rocha & Renan Almeida - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1447-1456.
    This study focuses on retraction notices from two major Latin American/caribbean indexing databases: SciELO and LILACS. SciELO includes open scientific journals published mostly in Latin America/the Caribbean, from which 10 % are also indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge Journal of Citation Reports. LILACS has a similar geographical coverage and includes dissertations and conference/symposia proceedings, but it is limited to publications in the health sciences. A search for retraction notices was performed in these two databases using the keywords “retracted”, (...)
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    Reason on Trial: Legal Metaphors in the Critique of Pure Reason.Eve W. Stoddard - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):245-260.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eve W. Stoddard REASON ON TRIAL: LEGAL METAPHORS IN THE CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON 6 6 r I 1WO things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admi_I_ ration and awe, the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me." ' These are perhaps Kant's most well-known and oft-repeated words. They reflect not only the profound feeling (...)
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    Entrevistas con Paulo Freire.Paulo Freire & Carlos Alberto Torres Novoa - 1977 - México: Ediciones Gernika. Edited by Carlos Alberto Torres.
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    A pedagogia da libertação em Paulo Freire.Ana Maria Araújo Freire (ed.) - 2001 - São Paulo, SP: Editora UNESP.
    Por incorporar a esperança na pedagogia crítica para, um só tempo, humanizar radicalmente a educação e transformar a sociedade, ele faz aumentar nossas expectativas sobre o que são capazes de fazer uma teoria e uma pedagogia ao construir um caminho que demonstra a indissociabilidade de ordem teórica e prática.
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    Pedagogía de la contradicción: Paulo Freire : nuevos planteamientos en educación de adultos : estudio actualizado y entrevista con Paulo Freire.Antonio Monclús & Paulo Freire - 1988 - Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial. Edited by Paulo Freire & Ettore Gelpi.
    Algunos temas que contiene: Pedagogía de la contradicción. El significado didáctico y latinoamericano de Freire Interpretación temática La educación de adultos como un análisis educativo Teórico Practico Metodología educativa y liberación Reflexión educativa y cambio social La educación del adulto y la transformación cultural de los pueblos Educación popular: los últimos escritos, "los libros hablados" Entrevista Paulo Freire - Antonio Monclus (Sao Paulo, 16-18 de Abril de 1987) Educación de adultos - Educación popular: Aproximaciones teóricas Análisis político de (...)
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    Voluntary standards, certification, and accreditation in the global organic agriculture field: a tripartite model of techno-politics.Eve Fouilleux & Allison Loconto - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1):1-14.
    This article analyzes the institutionalization of the global organic agriculture field and sheds new light on the conventionalization debate. The institutions that shape the field form a tripartite standards regime of governance that links standard-setting, certification, and accreditation activities, in a layering of markets for services that are additional to the market for certified organic products. At each of the three poles of the TSR, i.e., for standard-setting, certification, and accreditation, we describe how the corresponding markets were constructed over time (...)
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  20. Forgiveness and the holocaust.Eve Garrard - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (2):147-165.
    This paper considers whether we have any reason to forgive the perpetrators of the most terrible atrocities, such as the Holocaust. On the face of it, we do not have reason to forgive in such cases. But on examination, the principal arguments against forgiveness do not turn out to be persuasive. Two considerations in favour of forgiveness are canvassed: the presence of rational agency in the perpetrators, and the common human nature which they share with us. It is argued that (...)
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    Cultural Action for Freedom.Paulo Freire, Marta Soler-Gallart & Bárbara M. Brizuela - 1972 - Harvard Educational Review.
    In this volume, we have chosen to highlight the importance of education to human rights by reprinting two articles written by Paulo Freire in 1970 for the _Harvard Educational Review_. These articles contain many of Freire's original ideas on human rights and education—issues that are central to his work. Freire was a pioneer in promoting the universal right to education and literacy as part of a commitment to people's struggle against oppression. As Jerome Bruner recognized after (...)'s death in May 1997, Freire left as a legacy his commitment to basic human rights: "He was a brave man as well as a far-sighted one. He made us aware of our mindless cruelties, and now the challenge to all of us is to do something about those cruelties.". (shrink)
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    The Paulo Freire reader.Paulo Freire - 1998 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Ana Maria Araújo Freire & Donaldo P. Macedo.
    These readings have been chosen by Ana Maria Araujo Freire and Donaldo Macedo, who also provide a cogent introduction to the life and times: -- From Pedagogy of the Oppressed, The Fear of Freedom, The "Banking" Concept of Education -- From Education for Critical Consciousness, Education and Conscientizacao -- From Pedagogy in Process, the introduction -- A dialogue between Freire and Macedo, Literacy in Guinea-Bissau Revisited -- Selections from Learning to Question -- From Pedagogy of the City, The (...)
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  23. Epistemic Paternalism via Conceptual Engineering.Eve Kitsik - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (4):616-635.
    This essay focuses on conceptual engineers who aim to improve other people's patterns of inference and attention by shaping their concepts. Such conceptual engineers sometimes engage in a form of epistemic paternalism that I call paternalistic cognitive engineering: instead of explicitly persuading, informing and educating others, the engineers non-consultatively rely on assumptions about the target agents’ cognitive systems to improve their belief forming. The target agents could reasonably regard such benevolent exercises of control as violating their sovereignty over their own (...)
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  24. Clientélisme mafieux et narcotrafic, les liaisons dangereuses.Eve Szeftel - 2025 - Cités 100 (4):235-246.
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    Organisational Spirituality – A Literature Review.Eve Poole - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (4):577-588.
    The jury remains out about the bottom-line relevance of organisational spirituality. This article reviews the arguments made thus far, using those sources most commonly cited as providing ‹evidence’ that organisational spirituality adds value to the bottom line. Having collated the evidence, this article offers some observation about the robustness of this existing ‹business case’. It then offers some preliminary conclusions on the literature review, examining the merits of pursuing a ‹business case’ in this field and identifying some specific questions for (...)
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  26. Mapping moral motivation.Eve Garrard & David McNaughton - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (1):45-59.
    In this paper we defend a version of moral internalism and a cognitivist account of motivation against recent criticisms. The internalist thesis we espouse claims that, if an agent believes she has reason to A, then she is motivated to A. Discussion of counter-examples has been clouded by the absence of a clear account of the nature of motivation. While we can only begin to provide such an account in this paper, we do enough to show that our version of (...)
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    Erratum to: Prior Publication and Redundancy in Contemporary Science: Are Authors and Editors at the Crossroads?Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Miguel Roig - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1379-1379.
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  28. Conceptual Engineering and Ways of Believing.Eve Kitsik - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (1):347-368.
    I will argue that those thinking about conceptual engineering should think more about ways of believing. When we talk about what someone “believes”, we could be talking about how they are inclined to act, or what they have put forth as their position on a matter, or what gives rise to a feeling of endorsement when they reflect on the matter. If we further recognize that the contents of our beliefs are at least sometimes framed in certain concepts and that (...)
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    From political to social generations: A critical reappraisal of Mannheim’s classical approach.Pedro Vasconcelos & Sofia Aboim - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (2):165-183.
    Faced with the confused meanings of the concept of generation, this article defends the need to move from Karl Mannheim’s excessive emphasis on political and intellectual self-awareness as a pre-condition for generation formation to an enlarged social and cultural definition of generations. By developing the concept of social generations, we argue that rather than concrete groups, generations are better conceived as discourses with which individuals relate in order to build self-identification. Individuals living in similar historical contexts may share mental and (...)
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  30. Roberto luquín Guerra.José Vasconcelos - 2006 - Signos Filosóficos 8 (16).
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    On the Use of Language in the Anti-Capitalist Debate.Eve Poole - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (4):319-325.
    The anti-capitalist debate has traditionally drawn up battle lines between oppressed individuals on the one hand, and an oppressive system on the other. While this has high rhetorical value, it is based on imprecise use of language. The language confuses an amoral system with im/moral agents but at the same time uses anthropomorphic language to lend capitalism moral agency. This inevitably leads to a confused debate. Given that all opponents of capitalism want the reformation of what they see as a (...)
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  32. Men also have what people call ‘interior’.Leimis Reyes Vasconcelos & Norbis Díaz Campos - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (1):5-7.
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    A questão do progresso da ciência em Karl Popper.Raimunda Diva Ribeiro Vasconcelos - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (7):16-29.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo ampliar a visão do fazer científico, abordando a análise feita por um dos maiores epistemólogos contemporâneos da natureza do fazer científico e de sua dinâmica, de modo a contribuir para a redução do fosso existente na sociedade científico-tecnológica entre a visão dos problemas fundamentais do homem e a compreensão da ciência e de sua tecnologia. Assim sendo, o nosso estudo se restringe ao modo de ver de Karl Popper o lado mais interno da ciência, evidenciando (...)
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    A constituição prosódica da enunciação na relação mãe-bebê.Angelina Nunes de Vasconcelos, Nadja Vieira & Ester Mirian Scarpa - 2021 - Bakhtiniana 16 (1):39-60.
    RESUMO No presente estudo de casos, discutimos a produção de sentidos carregados com elementos prosódicos no começo da vida. Alinhamos essa discussão com observações de Bakhtin acerca de características da enunciação. Com esse alinhamento investimos em explicações sobre o status linguístico da prosódia nos diálogos entre adulto e bebês em situação de aquisição de linguagem. Os dados foram registros videográficos da interação de duas díades adulto-criança, uma francesa e uma brasileira, durante atividades cotidianas1. Nas análises, comparamos variações da curva entonacional (...)
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    Pedagogia da esperança: um reencontro com a Pedagogia do oprimido.Paulo Freire - 1992 - São Paulo, SP: Paz e Terra. Edited by Ana Maria Araújo Freire & Paulo Freire.
    Em Pedagogia da esperança, escrito em 1992, Paulo Freire faz uma reflexão sobre Pedagogia do oprimido, publicado em 1968, durante o seu exílio no Chile. Nesse reencontro, analisa suas experiências pedagógicas em quase três décadas nos mais diferentes países. Um relato valioso, elaborado com cientificidade, humildade e coerência, que recusa o determinismo e mostra a história humana como um feixe de possibilidades. O livro conta ainda com a colaboração de Ana Maria Araújo Freire, através das notas explicativas, e (...)
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  36. In defence of unconditional forgiveness.Eve Garrard & David McNaughton - 2003 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 103 (1):39–60.
    In this paper, the principal objections to unconditional forgiveness are canvassed, primarily that it fails to take wrongdoing seriously enough, and that it displays a lack of self-respect. It is argued that these objections stem from a mistaken understanding of what forgiveness actually involves, including the erroneous view that forgiveness involves some degree of condoning of the offence, and is incompatible with blaming the offender or punishing him. Two positive reasons for endorsing unconditional forgiveness are considered: respect for persons and (...)
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    Non-linguistic strategies and the acquisition of word meanings.Eve V. Clark - 1973 - Cognition 2 (2):161-182.
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    A palavra boniteza na leitura de mundo de Paulo Freire.Ana Maria Araújo Freire (ed.) - 2021 - Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.
  39.  27
    Retractions and Rewards in Science: An Open Question for Reviewers and Funders.Sonia M. R. Vasconcelos, Michael W. Kalichman & Mariana D. Ribeiro - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (4):1-17.
    In recent years, the changing landscape for the conduct and assessment of research and of researchers has increased scrutiny of the reward systems of science. In this context, correcting the research record, including retractions, has gained attention and space in the publication system. One question is the possible influence of retractions on the careers of scientists. It might be assessed, for example, through citation patterns or productivity rates for authors who have had one or more retractions. This is an emerging (...)
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    Prior Publication and Redundancy in Contemporary Science: Are Authors and Editors at the Crossroads?Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Miguel Roig - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1367-1378.
    We discuss prior publication and redundancy in contemporary science in the context of changing perceptions of originality in the communication of research results. These perceptions have been changing in the publication realm, particularly in the last 15 years. Presenting a brief overview of the literature, we address some of the conflicts that are likely to arise between authors and editors. We illustrate our approach with conference presentations that are later published as journal articles and focus on a recent retraction of (...)
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  41. Conditional unconditional forgiveness.Eve Garrad & David McNaughton - 2011 - In Christel Fricke (ed.), The Ethics of Forgiveness: A Collection of Essays. New York: Routledge.
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  42. Pulchrum: o encontro com a trascendência absoluta em nossos dias.Vasconcelos Almeida Campos & Irmã Juliane - 2010 - Escritos 18 (41):413-426.
    A pesar de los enormes cambios de mentalidad que hubo a lo largo de la Historia, el ser humano continúa él mismo en su naturaleza, teniendo en sí los trascendentales –unum, bonum, verum, pulchrum–, las perfecciones del ser que lo llevan a comunicarse con el Ser Absoluto, trascendente en plenitud. Pero los relativismos y subjetivismos de la actualidad dejaron apenas la puerta del pulchrum abierta a esa comunicación. Se trata de comprender el verdadero lenguaje de la belleza para que, por (...)
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  43. A Propriedade Erdös-Pósa Para Matróides.José Eder Salvador de Vasconcelos & Braulio Maia Junior - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2:1.
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    Pentecostalismo e secularização: Da rigidez doutrinária ao pluralismo religioso (Pentecostalism and secularization: From the doctrinal rigidity to religious pluralism).Ismael de Vasconcelos Ferreira - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1458-1472.
    O pentecostalismo é a religião que mais cresce, em número de fiéis, no Brasil de acordo com a última contagem populacional do IBGE. Este crescimento não se deu somente através dos métodos de evangelismo pessoal e de massa já empregados há anos pelas igrejas pentecostais, mas também teve um importante acréscimo se forem analisados os efeitos secularizantes da modernidade e que inevitavelmente afetaram essas igrejas. Com o incremento do número de pentecostais, houve também alterações significativas de suas tradições doutrinárias. Sendo (...)
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    Research notes.Eve DeVaro & Leigh Turner - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (1):48-48.
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    Meus dizeres e fazeres em torno de Paulo Freire: uma vida de dedicação.Ana Maria Araújo Freire - 2024 - Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.
    Reunião de ensaios em comemoração aos 90 anos de vida de Ana Maria Araújo Freire, viúva de Paulo Freire. Ana Maria Araújo Freire é reconhecida por seus esforços e seu êxito na divulgação do pensamento do Patrono da Educação Brasileira. Nita, como é carinhosamente conhecida, tem também uma prestiogosa trajetória: é mestre e doutora em Educação pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, época em que foi orientada por Paulo Freire. Em 1986, ambos já viúvos, os (...)
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    Antología de textos sobre educación.José Vasconcelos - 1981 - México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Edited by Alicia Molina.
  48. Discutindo avaliação educacional no curso de pedagogia da universidade federal de sergipe.Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos - 2013 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 3 (5):77-91.
    Apresenta-­se neste trabalho, um relato de experiência vivenciada na disciplina Avaliação Educacional, ministrada no 2o semestre de 2012 para formandos do curso de pedagogia. No início das aulas aplicamos uma sondagem para entender o perfil das turmas. Durante o transcorrer do curso utilizamos, além do material livresco, depoimentos dos alunos e vídeos que tratam da temática. Discutiram­-se conceitos epistemológicos, expoentes da avaliação, formas de avaliar e correlatos. Ao término, fizemos uma avaliação subjetiva/individual para detectar as contribuições que as discussões trabalhadas (...)
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  49. Docência e autoridade no ensino superior : uma introdução ao debate.Maria Lucia Vasconcelos - 2012 - In António Teodoro, Maria Lucia M. Carvalho Vasconcelos, José B. Duarte, Marcos Masetto & Oscar C. de Sousa (eds.), Ensinar e aprender no ensino superior: por uma epistemologia da curiosidade na formação universitária. São Paulo, SP: Cortez Editora.
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    El realismo científico..José Vasconcelos & México - 1943 - México,: D. F., Centro de estudios filosóficos de la Facultad de filosofía y letras.
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